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December 3rd CIS championship "Dynamo Cup 2016" MSF

Hooray! December 3rd CIS championship "Dynamo Cup 2016" MSF Team Battle went very well! Our tournament was held in the framework of the World Cup HMB "Dynamo Cup 2016" in the Olympic center Znamensky in Moscow, for which a special thanks to Andrew Kisielius!

The competition was attended by over 100 athletes from 7 to 17 years of Ukraine (Aina Bera) and 7 cities of Russia (Volgograd, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Shadrinsk, Kaluga, Kolomna, Moscow).

The teams were in this year are very strong, and the struggle was intense. I especially want to mention the Urals national team under the leadership of Sergei Sharagulov, which included fighters of Yekaterinburg club "Congo-Junior" and Shadrinsk RO MSFF, won 2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze, won in the team competition! In second place "Excalibur" Moscow with a difference of 1 bronze medal (2 gold and 2 silver), and on the 3rd place, Kolomna (1 gold and 3 bronze)! It was a great battle!

Thanks to Alexey Lyalyushko (Ain aBera, Ukraine) had brought decent juniors! Many thanks to all judges and other office team for their hard work, and especially Alexander Vasiliev (Marv, Volgograd) for the most difficult job of the Chief Justice of the competition!But that's not all the successes: the first time, we are honored to make a presentation before the for all HMB "Dynamo Cup 2016" World Cup audience! We have seen and interested representatives of many countries from different continents - Argentina, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, England, Denmark! And let us hope that they may soon join our ranks. This is a huge step forward - thanks to those who helped to make a presentation, and tournament worthy. Congratulations to all the bright holiday knight sport! Join MSF movement!


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