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HIGHER coaching Modern Sword Fightingcourses

School of Modern Sword Fighting “Excalibur” “Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE)” “EMERCOM of Russia” PRESENTRES A UNIQUE PROJECT HIGHER coaching Modern Sword Fightingcourses 4 modules in the first program + BONUS ! 1. Advancing qualification (available only for postgraduates) IPKIPPK SCOLIPE" Theoretical and methodological bases of teaching fencing " 72 academic hours These courses are unique because its designed by SCOLIPE Department of fencing especially for Modern Sword Fighting Federation , and contain the most useful and relevant information for our work. Program: Theory and methods of teaching fencing and construction of training process , Fundamentals of Biomechanics , Sports Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology , sports psychology, training hours children 10-16 years . 2 . First aid courses are conducted the Moscow EMERCOM School. Intensive training 2 days ( weekend ) at 8:00 of the practice and delivery of qualification standings. This program is adapted to the specifics of coaching for MSFs and historical fencing in various forms. 16 academic hours 3 . MSF Course instructors from Modern Sword Fighting Federation " A method for constructing a training cycle for MSFs for children, adolescents and young adults ." Issued guidance materials . At the end of rent credit for tickets. 8 academic hours 4 . Instructor methodical practice based on sections SMSF" Excalibur " Davydova MV (Moscow ) 4 nights a week for 2-3 hours (weekdays) on your choice - a visit if possible, at least 12 hours or more - according to your wishes . At the end of the Qualification TEST (conducting training with children ) 48 academic hours 5 .BONUS ! For those who will take participation in the main course - Master class by Sergey Ukolov as a GIFT! 3 academic hours 2 variants of learning ! 1. MAIN COURSE - 2 months ( three times a week in the mornings on weekdays at 3:00 ) - for Muscovites 2 . INTENSIVE - 3 weeks ( with daily classes ) - for non-resident Upon graduation necessarily writing and defense of the Qualification , based on which the Certificate of state sample SCOLIPE . You will receive: 4 certificates + BONUS ! 1. CERTIFICATE OF STATE samples from SCOLIPE 2 . International certificates for first aid from the Moscow EMERCOM School and the International Red Cross 3 . Instructor certificate from the Federation of MSFs 4 .Coach practice MSF CERTIFICATE 5 . + BONUS : Certificate of Completion of Master-class by Sergey Ukolov Enroll for courses • In February 2014 Intensive • In March 2014 Basic course • In April 2014 Intensive Tuition : • Courses in SCOLIPE - 25,000 rubles. • First Exchange Medical Assistance - 5000 rubles . • MSF training and practice - 12,000 rubles. Each course maygo separately or all together for 35000 rubles. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED ! Contact us -8-926-915-48-18 or FSMB-RF.RU

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